Outdoor, no-gift-wrap, Built In Gas Grills, Gas Grills Outdoor, Freestanding Grills, no-gift-wrap, Gas Grills, Outdoor Kitchen StorageRefrigerator, Outdoor RefrigerationSide BurnersOutdoor Kitchens, Storage, no-gift-wrap, Outdoor Refrigeration, RefrigeratorPizza Oven, Outdoor, Outdoor KitchensThis Alfresco 30-Inch Freestanding Deluxe Prep Cart makes your countertop pizza oven portable while providing a convenient area to work and a place to store your fuel connection. This durable cart has everything you need to make pizza prep easy and fun. It features stainless steel construction, an insulated ice drawer, condiment tray with condiment well and well cover, cutting board and prep area, a plate shelf with spacer bar, four wheels for easy mobility, and various storage compartments.
Other Features Include: Special Order - Non Stocked Item Handle and caster wheels for smooth portability For use with Alfresco Countertop Outdoor Pizza Oven
**Faraday's only delivers/ships within a 30-mile radius of the store for this product. Delivery within 2 to 8 weeks. Will confirm delivery when order is received and processed.